It’s here…Yorkshire’s very first Chocolate Festival has come to Sheffield today Sunday 24 October 2021! at Kelham Island Museum, Alma Street, Sheffield S3 8SA
An experience like no other, get lost in luxury and immerse yourself in the world of chocolate. Taking place in Sheffield’s industrial district at the Kelham Island Museum, you will find live music, workshops and over 50 stalls featuring all things chocolate!
There is something for everyone, from brownies and doughnuts to hot chocolate and rum, you’ll find numerous treats to indulge in and other non-edible chocolate themed gifts that will save your waistline too!

We arrived at Kelham Island Museum for 0730hrs to set the stall out, and within no time, the smells of all the different types of chocolate, coffee and all things chocolatey absolutely filled the air, the atmosphere is great and having a quick look round at all the other stalls, there are some really talented chocolatiers as well as many other stalls selling quite a range of home made products, I hope to have a good look around once everything is set up
If you are a chocolate lover, you really must pop down, there are also many other stalls selling cakes, coffees, drinks and cookies, although I still believe my Cookie dough brownie is the ultimate brownie for that complete cookie dough experience, and for the real chocolate lovers the Pop up flavour brownie for August which has remained so popular it is now on my regular brownie flavours, the Malteser brownie.

If you are not quite into that full on chocolate is not quite your cup of tea, and you really do fancy something different, then there is also the zingy taste of a Lemon drizzle blondie made from fresh lemons in a home made lemon curd, or a Bakewell blondie with a unique raspberry flavour.
Whatever your liking, I know I have the perfect brownie or blondie to please, as well as the gorgeous signature chocolate brownies, Nutella or Salted caramel brownies for the chocolate aficionado's
I was hoping that possibly one of the stall sell my now favourite chocolate made by Laderach which tasted for the first time last weekend we went to London to celebrate
I thought I would also use the opportunity to sample some different chocolatiers around London. I had so many delicious chocolate samples during the weekend, from chocolate brownies, chocolate ice Creme at Borough market and so many chocolate bars I want to forget the number.
However, there was one chocolatier that blew me away, Laderach, the shop was on Regent Street. What stopped me, was the wonderful slabs of chocolate in the window, it looked great but smelt even better.
After a few samples we I decided the best was the the milch chocolate, it was so smooth and had just the right level of richness. The staff were wonderful and even gave my boys some milk chocolate pieces with smarties in. They are still talking about the chocolate now, so thank you Laderach.
The Chocolate festival is on till 4pm today, so if you're near Sheffield and in need of a chocolate fix, why not call down and say "Hi" or remember, you can order your brownies online and I will send them by post in our letterbox brownie gift boxes.
Love Lucy x