I just love creating new pop - up flavours and a Cookie Dough Brownie is one of my absolute favourite bakes! However, I think this is the first autumnal pop up brownie. The nights are drawing in and the days are getting a little colder, which only means one thing, the need for comfort food begins as we all search for that chocolate fix.
My husband moaned at me the other day for putting the heating on, I may have accidentally put it up to 25 degrees and forgot, so he was sweating and couldn’t understand why until he noticed the thermostat, because who in their right mind puts the heating on in September he said!!!!
This signalled one thing to me, summer is over and winter is coming. I am more excited about this coming winter than any before, especially last years winter which was a total lockdown. I also think this is why I’m so excited for winter and Christmas this year, it’s time to hopefully relax with the family and enjoy the Christmas activates we didn’t get to see or do last year.
I’m also so excited to get wrapped up and go on walks with friends and family and sit in a beautiful coffee shop and sip a warm latte with a little chocolate brownie treat.

I’m pretty sure it’s not just me, but when it’s cold I love nothing more than a hot drink and a piece of chocolate (or in my case more times than not, a chocolate brownie). There is just something about having a delicious chocolate brownie sat next to my hot drink whilst being all wrapped up in a favourite coffee shop, in a field with the kids, or on my sofa, its pure heaven.
I know I talk about my Nana a lot, but this is as far back as my memories go and it always involves either baking chocolate or eating chocolate with my Nana. Any given weekend during the winter I would be at my Nanas house wrapped up watching telly with her eating her delicious chocolate bakes.
This has clearly continued, I will often find my boys sat in front of the telly with their Nana eating brownies (George only eats Nutella brownies, of course, and Harry will eat any brownie or in fact just about anything)
I always love to know where things come from, especially as a baker and cook, I like to know how did the recipe first arrive, where from, and as many other details about it, maybe it is my teacher genes. I found out that Cookie dough is derived from the creation of cookies that dates back as far as 7th century Persia, where they were used as test cakes?
Persia was one of the first countries to use sugar and soon became known for luxurious cakes and pastries. The early cookie was first labelled as a test cake before it was referred to as a "cookie" because the Persians would bake a small amount of cake batter in the oven to test the oven temperature, and it would come out looking like a mini cake.
The concept of cookies spread and became known worldwide, they then evolved into biscuits for convenience as they were easier to keep fresh for a longer period and were simple to carry for travel.
Cookies became established in Europe sometime between the 17th and 18th century, as baking gained popularity. At that time the word "cookie" was first used. The term comes from the Dutch language where Koekje means "small or little cake". During the ensuing Industrial Revolution, more cookie recipes became available. New forms and flavors of cookies continue to be created, one of which is the concept of edible cookie dough.
Ruth Graves Wakefield and Sue Brides owned the Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts where they created the eponymous chocolate chip cookie in 1938.
Anyway, I have distracted myself with warm wintery memories. So many of you have been asking for months to create a cookie dough brownie and finally I have perfected a scrumptious fudgy rich chocolate brownie with a sweet chocolate chip cookie dough….YUM!!!!

You can buy the cookie dough brownies as part of the Pick your Own box of 4, and if you are buying brownies for a loved one, friend or for an occasion, remember to include a hand written personalised message, which I will pop inside the gorgeous letterbox brownies gift box, you can also add a beautiful gift wrap, there are three absolutely beautiful gift wraps to choose from Love You gift wrap, a gold and blue ribbon gift wrap, and for Christmas a Festive wrap.
So get the kettle on, pump the heating up to 25 and get the blanket ready!!!
Love Lucy x